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Nigeria Drops 20 Places to 161st of 181 Countries on Youth Development Index

The report released on Tuesday by the Commonwealth says the index calls for more investment in lifelong digital skilling of young people and youth participation in decision-making to reverse trends which adversely impact them.

According to the triennial report, Singapore ranked top for the first time followed by Slovenia, Norway, Malta and Denmark. Chad, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Afghanistan and Niger came last respectively.

Conditions of young people around the world also improved by 3.1 per cent between 2010 and 2018 according to the report, but it also noted that progress remains slow.

“Afghanistan, India, Russia, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso were the top five improvers, advancing their score, on average, by 15.74 per cent. On the other hand, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Jordan and Lebanon showed the greatest decline in youth development between 2010 and 2018,” Snober Abbasi, the Assistant Communication Officer said in the report.

It further urges governments to improve data collection on education and diversify how they measure digital skills and online engagement of youth.

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